Las responsabilidades se multiplica, regresar a lo básico siempre inspira.

Raúl Galindo - Asegura tu Futuro

Hoy comparto el texto íntegro de Mark Miller, sobre las DECISIONES que debemos tomar como LIDERES ante el peligro de aceptar tantas RESPONSABILIDADES que pongan en RIESGO nuestra capacidad de entregar RESULTADOS.

Puedes seguir a Mark en @leadersserv

Great leaders serve

Today’s Challenge: Too Busy?
By Mark on Aug 29, 2014 06:00 am

Leaders get things done. This is one reason people seek us out. When there’s a problem to be solved, or and opportunity to seize, it’s often a leader who is called upon to respond. So what’s the problem? If we’re not careful, we can become so busy we actually forfeit our leadership!

No leader wants to be too busy to lead. So, how does it happen? I think there are many reasons; here are a few of them…

Leaders are high capacity people. Because this is true, people assume  our capacity is unlimited.

Leaders are optimists. We believe we can do…

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